Some dream!
That was was some dream that Meredith had! Too bad reality wasn't as nice. My favorite line was something like "I'm dating and it comes with snacks!" But then I love how Mer had that little fit after her date with McDreamy and telling the guys to stop looking at each other! That was hilarious.
How funny is Christina? She will tell you anything to your face - "Just when I thought you were boring." And I liked her little challenge for Burke with the chickens too.
I also loved superkid Abigail Breslin, who was so great in Little Miss Sunshine. I thought Alex was very sweet with her and with Izzy at the end. He does have a softer side sometimes and it's nice to see it.
Izzy has really lost it. I feel bad for her - but come on - who would stand there all day, seriously.
And my sister was hoping that McSteamy would be taking Addison back to New York with him. But it looks like he's going to stay - I bet his run in with the chief will lead to him getting a job at Seattle Grace.
Those are my thoughts for now... will probably add more later :)
1 comment:
life just a good
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